News are events that happen in the world around us. They cover a wide variety of topics such as war, politics, education, science, weather, food and drink, agriculture, industry, sports and the arts. Some of these stories have a serious tone while others are meant to entertain, or amuse readers, listeners or viewers. News articles often have a certain structure and style, and there are specific rules that journalists should follow when writing them. These include avoiding jargon, and explaining acronyms on first use (i.e. ROI rather than return on investment). The writer should also make sure that the story is accurate, and avoid writing anything that is untrue.
While there is no definitive definition of News, it is generally agreed that news should be accurate and should inform the reader. It should also be unbiased, and should not promote a particular point of view. News also acts as a watchdog, exposing abuses of power and wrongdoing by people in positions of authority. It can also serve as a source of entertainment and leisure by covering stories that are of interest to the public, such as celebrity gossip or trivia.
In addition, News can be used to keep the public up-to-date with government proclamations, concerning royal ceremonies, laws and taxes, as well as political or social developments. It can also provide information about current affairs, such as local or international events, crime, terrorism, corruption, natural disasters and health issues.