Fashion is a way to express ourselves through our clothes. It can be an understated whisper, a high energy scream or an all knowing wink and smile. Fashion is what the world sees and remembers about us. It can also tell a lot about our personality, our beliefs and values. It can show the world that we are confident, secure and self-assured or that we’re shy, timid and uncertain. Fashion is an endlessly fascinating topic. It can be fun to experiment with style (that lasts vs trends that fade), try new fabrics, styles and colors, learn what flatters our bodies (curves are enhanced by flowing fabric, straighter body types are complemented by fitted clothing) and how to combine different pieces to create an outfit.
Fashion changes over time and is influenced by social events, culture, media, music and art. Trends that were once anti-fashion become incorporated into the fashion cycle and change to convey different meanings. For example, bell-bottom jeans became skinny jeans and then baggy pants; a style that once proclaimed rebellion now represents conformity. Similarly, what was once considered non-fashion is now part of the mainstream as it is adopted by a new generation.