What Is Fashion?

Fashion is a prevailing style of clothing. It has been used throughout history to express emotion, unite groups, or mark status and authority: judges wear robes; soldiers wear uniforms; brides wear white dresses. Clothes reveal a lot about a person, from the color of their hair to the number and type of piercings they have. They can also reinforce social stereotypes or create distance between groups (goths, skaters, preps).

Fashion trends can be triggered by a cultural change or may be initiated by people with high social status who are seen to be stylish and popular. A fashion trend can also be influenced by geographic locations: styles originating in Paris or other fashionable cities may become popular around the world. In addition, some styles may be re-introduced from earlier eras.

While many people like to follow fashion trends, some feel that a person should always be in style no matter what the latest trends are. They may think that the fast pace of changes in fashion encourages people to spend money on clothes they don’t need. Other people enjoy the diversity of different fashions.

The fashion industry is a large business. Millions of people are involved in designing, sewing, cutting, dyeing and transporting clothing to retail outlets worldwide. It is one of the biggest employers in many countries, especially in developing nations where production is outsourced. Designers who are successful at creating a new look can make a great deal of money.