The Benefits and Disadvantages of Automobiles


Automobiles are a means of transportation for many people. They usually have four wheels and can seat one to six passengers. Automobiles use an internal combustion engine to move. The branches of engineering that focus on automobiles are called automotive engineering. Today, life without the automobile would be impossible for most people in modern society.

Karl Benz is credited with inventing the first automobile around 1885. His design was a step in the right direction but his car was still very expensive for most of the population. Henry Ford came along after Benz and revolutionized how cars were made by using assembly lines which allowed him to manufacture more of them at a lower price. This brought the price of an automobile down to a level that most middle class Americans could afford it.

There are many benefits of owning an automobile such as being able to travel further distances in a shorter period of time. Being able to save time on long commutes and shopping trips makes a big difference in people’s lives. People can also spend more time with their family and friends.

The biggest negatives and modern problems of the automobile are that it is a major cause of air pollution and climate change. It also drains natural resources like fossil fuels. The automobile has helped to connect people in ways that were never possible before and it has made the world a much smaller place.