Millions of people worldwide participate in team sports, and for many young athletes the lessons they learn will carry with them throughout their lives. These lessons include the physical benefits of regular exercise as well as a life-long commitment to a healthy lifestyle. They also teach children how to work as part of a group and how to respect the authority of coaches and teammates. These skills will benefit them for their whole lifetime and can be applied to their relationships at school, work and home.
Working together as a team is the most important lesson in team sport. It teaches children to trust and value the abilities of their teammates, to share responsibilities, and to celebrate successes. It also teaches them to compromise, cooperate and problem solve. Communication is key in team sport, from locker room discussion to non-verbal cues from fellow players and strategy discussions. Children need to be able to speak up when they have an opinion or idea to contribute and must be able to listen to the opinions of their teammates as well.
Being in a close-knit team also helps to boost motivation for training and competition. When a player is feeling low, they have their teammates to lift them up. And when a player fails, they must learn how to cope with defeat. They must be able to see the loss for what it is – a setback in the pursuit of their goals.