How to Write Newsworthy Articles


News is anything that has happened recently or is the latest information about something that has been happening.

How do we decide what is news?

Typically, an event is newsworthy when there is drama in it. This could be an unusual situation, like a man getting attacked by a wild dog while he was walking to school, or it could be a tragic situation, like the death of a baby tiger in an zoo.

When it comes to the news, the most important characteristics that gatekeepers look for are timeliness and consequence. These factors help to make an article more interesting to readers and therefore make it more likely for them to read the whole story.

What’s a good topic?

The most common topics for news stories are famous people, health, sex, and politics. These topics are all topics that people would be interested in reading about and learning more about.

Who will be the audience for your news?

You will be writing to a particular demographic and this will affect the style, voice, and content of your news articles. Questions to ask yourself about your demographic include where they live, what age group they are in, why they’re reading the news, and what they want to get out of the article.

The news that you write should contain facts that are backed up by quotes from people you’ve interviewed or research you’ve done. This will help keep your article concise and easy to read. Use the inverted pyramid structure of putting the most critical information first and then moving to supporting information as you go along.