A team sport is a type of sporting event in which opposing teams compete against one another for points. They are generally played on a field or court and require multiple players to play effectively. Some of the most popular team sports include basketball, football, baseball, and hockey.
In addition to being fun, team sports help students develop social skills that they can carry with them into adulthood. For example, they learn to value each teammate’s skill and understand how each person contributes to the overall goals of the game. This can help students become more supportive, understanding, patient and kind people both on and off the field.
Another important skill that kids learn from playing team sports is communication. They will come to know the importance of listening to their teammates and coaches, as well as learning how to speak up to make sure that their thoughts are heard. In turn, this will lead to improved relationships in the real world and fewer misunderstandings in work or school environments.
While there is a lot of research to support the positive effects of participating in team sports, some studies have shown that gender-based factors can influence the effectiveness of interventions aimed at increasing girls’ participation. This systematic review aims to examine the evidence on the effectiveness of interventions aimed at increasing girls’ involvement in team sport. The results will inform policy and practice and help identify areas for future research.