A career in financial services is a great way to ensure financial security for yourself and your loved ones. It can also be a very rewarding job, especially when you work hard early on and are promoted based on merit. The pay is good, too, and at Phyton Talent Advisors we see the benefits of a career in this industry every day.
The term “financial services” covers a range of economic services offered by the finance industry, including investment banks, credit unions, insurance companies, and credit-card networks. These services are primarily designed to assist individuals, families, and businesses with managing their assets, debts, and investments. They include investment advisory and wealth management services, equity research, and a number of other specialized areas.
In addition to offering a variety of investment and asset management products, financial services provide the infrastructure that supports the entire economy. This includes the capital markets that enable companies to raise funds to boost production and generate profits. It also includes the banks that lend funds to those companies. These institutions are one of the primary barometers of a country’s overall economic health.
Other types of financial services include: